"Nothing left to fight for" !!! OUT NOW !!! in digipack version .:22022014:.
All albums are free now (s
All albums are free here http://music.malleusmaleficarum.fr .:19032011:.
Finally - Taedium Vitae is "free"
You can download for free our first album "Taedium Vitae" (2002) in Media Section : .:11092010:.
Studio session 2010
Five tracks recorded in august. Still much work to release EP in middle of 2K11. .:25022010:.
Still alive....
...We should vomiit new materials during 2010. 4 songs-track will be recorded during this spring or summer. |
.: news .:. about MM .:. disco .:. tour .:. medias .:. press .:. merch. .:. contacts .:. links :. |